Terminal Basics

I remember the first time I opened the Terminal app on my 2013 MacBook Air. I was certain that I was one wrong command away from breaking everything. I didn't understand why I would use a terminal when I could use Apple's Finder GUI to open or move a file.

I felt trapped by the fact that I couldn't use my mouse to move my cursor. If I pasted a command that I didn't want to run, I would delete each character one at a time because I didn't know how to do anything differently. I stayed in that state for way too long. Don't make my mistake. Take ten minutes to memorize a few key bindings.

This document was last updated on 20 MARCH 2022

The top five terminal key bindings you need to memorize now

That's enough to start

Write it on a post-it note and post it on your monitor until you've built up the muscle memory. When you've got these five memorized, find five more and repeat the process.

ctrl + c - regain control

ctrl + r - reverse search

ctrl + a - go to the beginning of the command

ctrl + e - go to the end of the command

ctrl + w - delete one word